
Keter avatar image
Keter asked Keter commented

Replace Sub flow with TS

I followed the instruction to build a sub flow program. However, when I tried to replace the sub flow with TS, the operator was stuck at load task.

TS.fsmsub flow.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.0
operatorracktask sequencesub flow
ts.fsm (51.1 KiB)
sub-flow.fsm (52.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Keter commented

In the Load (and Unload) activity you refer to the label "box" on the token which does not exist. Weird that this doesn't prompt an error message.

In addition a single load or unload task can only handle one item, hence why a sub flow is necessary to move all items via Process Flow.

And why did you add an A-connection from the Queue to the rack? There are now two parallel control logics that both move the same items.

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