
Keter avatar image
Keter asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Prevent AGV collision

Suttle.fsmHello, I followed AGV tutorial to build an example for preventing AGV collision. However, when I finished the code, my PF didn't work and the AGV didn't change location to prevent collision.

Hope I can get some advice, thanks!

My flexsim version is 22.1.2

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The AGVs in your model are not linked to the proximimity system.

You are not sending the "preempttype" variable in the sendmessage() command in the On Proximity trigger.

The travel to location activity should be set to use relative coordinates, so the AGV travels to the left/right relative to its current location, not the global coordinates (+-2, 0, 0).

The tutorial video misses this as well: The task activities should be set to not wait until finished. Otherwise you end up with a lot of 'dead' tokens due to aborting their tasks.



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