
Alessandro Fissore avatar image
Alessandro Fissore asked Jason Lightfoot answered

Exception on resuming AGV after the occurrence of MTBF/MTTR

Hi @anthony.johnson, @Jordan Johnson.

I'm Alessandro Fissore and I work at Flexcon, the italian distributor of FlexSim.

I met an issue when MTBF/MTTR are enebled on AGVs.

If the breackdown occurs while the AGV is approaching its destination and is decelerating, the AGV finishes the travel task even if it is broken and at the end of the downtime the following error is displayed beacause the AGV isn't able to continue the previous activity:

"exception: Exception Caught in resumeobject(treenode involved, int id)

exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction200__project_exec_commandlist_resumeobject_node object: MAIN:/project/exec/commandlist/resumeobject/node i: MAIN:/project/exec/commandlist/resumeobject/node class: MAIN:/project/exec/commandlist/resumeobject/node

exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::callMemberFunction() main function. Throwing...

exception: Exception caught in evaluation of MAIN:/project/exec/commandlist/resumeobject/node"

I think it's a bug.

I attach the model, thanks for your help.


FlexSim 24.0.2
agvmtbf mttrstopobjectresumeobject
agv-mtbf-issue.fsm (154.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

Thanks for reporting this - we already have a case in the tracking system for this issue and will add this post to that case.

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