
komalkoli avatar image
komalkoli asked komalkoli commented

How to Use Global Table with Process Times at Processor

I have a source (Arrival Sequence) with products arriving at Queue. Each of the product has process time defined at Source.

I created Global Table with Process Time for each of the product. I want processor to take Process Times from GlobalTabel1.

I am getting error while running the model. Please take a look at attached model and would appreciate any suggestions! Global Table for Process Times at Processor.fsm

FlexSim 24.1.0
labelprocess timeglobal tables
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered komalkoli commented

"4:13" (or other expressions of this type) is a text (string) value that will be read as a 0 when interpreted as a number. You need to provide a numerical value for the process time.

Additionally, the row from which the time is read is supposedly denoted by the "ProcessTime" label on the items. But such a label does not exist. Either add it or use the item name to find the correct row.

Table("GlobalTable1").getRowByKey(, 1)
· 5
5 |100000

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komalkoli avatar image komalkoli commented ·

1. How to add label "ProcessTime" on items in 3D model? I tried adding label on Source but its asking to select type of label. See below picture:


2. The expression you have given, where to insert it? I inserted it under "Process Time" on Processor. But its not working.

See updated model for your reference.Global Table for Process Times at Processor.fsm

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann komalkoli commented ·

1. Yes, you need to select what type of data the label will hold (number, text, reference to other object, array, text as flexscript, bundle table, tracked variable). The process time would be a number, so choose that.

2. The expression would be used to define the row in the Global Table lookup option.


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komalkoli avatar image komalkoli Felix Möhlmann commented ·

I tried both options but still getting error. My model does not even run from Source.Global Table for Process Times at Processor.fsm

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