
komalkoli avatar image
komalkoli asked komalkoli commented

How to Use Global Table with Process Times at Processor

I have a source (Arrival Sequence) with products arriving at Queue. Each of the product has process time defined at Source.

I created Global Table with Process Time for each of the product. I want processor to take Process Times from GlobalTabel1.

I am getting error while running the model. Please take a look at attached model and would appreciate any suggestions! Global Table for Process Times at Processor.fsm

FlexSim 24.1.0
labelprocess timeglobal tables
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered komalkoli commented

"4:13" (or other expressions of this type) is a text (string) value that will be read as a 0 when interpreted as a number. You need to provide a numerical value for the process time.

Additionally, the row from which the time is read is supposedly denoted by the "ProcessTime" label on the items. But such a label does not exist. Either add it or use the item name to find the correct row.

  1. Table("GlobalTable1").getRowByKey(, 1)
· 5
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