
Borja Lorenzo avatar image
Borja Lorenzo asked Borja Lorenzo edited

Message flexsim exception


The whole message is FlexScript exception: Property "name" accessed on invalid node. at VIEW:/active/ExcelParameters1862002008>tableTypes/StatisticsCollector/displayStr.

The message appears when a statistic collector is deletad and the funcion "Excel import/export" in the tookbox from conectivity is clicked.

The statistic collector is vinculated with an object (Conveyor1524BarChart). The conveyor exist in the model.

What does this message mean?

Why does this message appear?

How can I delate ithis statistic collector avoid this error (exceptión).?

FlexSim 24.1.0
statistic collectorconectivityexport import
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Borja Lorenzo edited

The error message tells you that some code of the Excel Import/Export GUI tried to read the name of a node that does not exist. This node was very likely part of the Statistics Collector. There might be an export defined that is supposed to read data from the Statistics Collector. But I can't diagnose further without seeing the model or at least a screenshot of the import/export interface.

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Borja Lorenzo avatar image Borja Lorenzo commented ·


Exactly, In the tab Export there is a node Conveyor1524BarChart.

I don't know why this has this setting.

However I know how to remove and avoid the error message.

Thanks Felix, you are becoming in my best Flex-friend

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