
Preet avatar image
Preet asked Preet commented

AGV power draw during acceleration, at max velocity and deacceleration.

Hello Flexsim Community! I have a question about AGV's capability of power draw. I am working on a model for power consumption with a fleet of AGV. I am using AGV(data.rowValue).ampHours to get leftover ampHours in the battery. However, I noticed that regardless of it is acceleration/travelling at the max speed/decelerating, it seems to use the same power. Is there any way to use variable power draw for each of them? Attaching the plot. This is a sample plot where an AGV starts and stops but the amp hours left seems linear. I want it variable while the AGV is accelerating/travelling at max speed/decelerating.

FlexSim 23.2.1
agvagv power draw
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Preet commented

Customizing the default AGV battery system will be tricky. I would use a separate tracked variable label ("kinetic" type) to represent the battery, so you have full control over it.

You can then parse through the kinematics each time an AGV allocates a new control point (because the kinematics will be updated at that point) and plan rate changes of the variable according to the timings of the kinematic.

See the linked post for an example of how to read information from the kinematics.

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Preet avatar image Preet commented ·

Hi @Felix Möhlmann. That is certainly an interesting solution. I have implemented that for a portion of my model and working as expected. Thank you!

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