
hikel avatar image
hikel asked hikel commented

Scale up Disctribution in model parameter setting

I want to use historical data to get a distribution for my arrival rates it could be statical distribution or empirical distribution. How can I can have in parameter model setting I want to test baseline which the distribution of data or 2 times arrival rates and so on.... It is correct the way I set it here using the two options?modelinput.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.2
model parameters tablearrivalscale up
modelinput.fsm (27.8 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered hikel commented

The parameter itself looks correct. But to get a value from it you need to use the following syntax:


Parameter1 is evaluated as code and activity is passed in as the first parameter. If the difference between the option is only a static factor, then you could also only use the parameter to set the factor and then multiply the a value from the empirical distribution and the factor in the source directly.


modelinput-1.fsm (28.0 KiB)
· 3
5 |100000

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hikel avatar image hikel commented ·

Thank you @Felix Möhlmann it work now. in term of running the arrivals under different factors 2 times means half capacity or 0.5 double arrivals. Is that considered correct? in this example later on when I am changing these parameters using same empirical distribution with different factors

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann hikel commented ·

Yes, the inter-arrival time is the inverse of the arrival rate. Doubling it will half the throughput and vice versa.

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hikel avatar image hikel Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Got it! Thank you! @Felix Möhlmann

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