Hi Team,
How can I generate 20 to 25 token weekly basis (Mon-Fri) between 8 AM - 8 PM ?
Thank you!
Hello @Ankur A3,
You can create this using a Date Time Source. I created a sample model that shows how to do it in process flow but you can create the same table in a 3D source.
Thank you for your quick response!
I am looking for little different. It's 20-25 token in whole week not every day. Distribution of these tokens in a week is completely random. Is there any way if we can do it directly in schedule sheet?
Thank you!
Hi @Felix Möhlmann,
Thank you for your comment!
Actually, I was thinking same. But in this case, we can't avoid arrival between 8PM to 8AM (Arrival may only happen during 8AM to 8PM). So, I think it will not work for our case. Let me know if you have any comment.
Thank you!
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