
Ralf Gruber avatar image
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Ralf Gruber asked Logan Gold commented

Error message applicationcommand resetglobalbindings 24.2 Beta

Whenever I load a model saved with a previous version into 24.2. beta, I see this exception in the system console:

exception: applicationcommand "resetglobalbindings" not found

It stays open until the Model Update window is confirmed either way and after that the system console disappears again.

However, It does not happen, when the same model is saved with the beta version and reopened again. ALso, all models seem to run just fine despite of the exception.

FlexSim 24.2.0
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Logan Gold commented

Thanks for this post Ralf. We've tied this post to an existing issue in our tracking system.

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Logan Gold avatar image Logan Gold ♦♦ commented ·

Hey @Ralf Gruber, I believe this issue has been resolved with 24.2. Are you okay if we mark Jason's answer as accepted?

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