
Łukasz E avatar image
Łukasz E asked Łukasz E commented

Problem with hands in vr

I tried to connect flexsim to meta quest 2 but when i enter vr my hands froze and I cannot do anything i can only move my head to look at the simulation, i tried to connect vr with newer version and it worked fine. Is it problem with 19.1.2 version?

FlexSim 19.1.2
oculus quest 2
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1 Answer

Patryk avatar image
Patryk answered Łukasz E commented

Unfortunately, after updating Oculus, this error occurs in all versions earlier than 22.0.5. In later versions everything works normally

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Łukasz E avatar image Łukasz E commented ·

So there is nothing i can do about it, Only using newer version will help right?

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Patryk avatar image Patryk Łukasz E commented ·

Unfortunately with oculus , there is no way to do anything about it. HTC goggles should work.

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Łukasz E avatar image Łukasz E Patryk commented ·

Thank you for this information

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