
UJ avatar image
UJ asked Joerg Vogel edited

How to make transport load on one queue and unload on one processor?

The simulation I created has multiple queues and multiple processors. However, transport/forklift loads all items in all queues then unloads them one by one to all processors. I want to arrange for the transport to load on one queue and unload on only one processor and repeat for the other queues and processors. How do I set the transport to work like?

FlexSim 22.2.4
· 1
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

There are code templates in Break To function on panel Taskexecuter like:

Same Load Station

Same Unload Station.

It is a common practice to understand what such code does. Then you can use it or change it in a way that suits you most. Perhaps the default code will do what you want to achieve already. Maybe you have to prevent to collect more items from different stations by returning 0 to end Break To if last item of a station is loaded. Additionally you can dynamically increase priority of involved tasksequences after loading an item to convince the FlexSim engine to unload first when a transport has taken place to a destination.

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