My model unloads 26 pallets from the truck and each pallet has 20 boxes distributed in 4 different SKUs and I store them in the queue "Pallet Receipt 1". I need the PalletStacker to take a pallet from "Stock Pallet". Up to this point the logic works fine, but I'm stuck trying to solve the following: I want PalletStacker to sort SKU 1 and 2 into the new pallet, then this pallet to put into the queue "Reorder Pallets 1", then PalletStacker to go get a new pallet from "Stock Pallet" for a second pallet and sort SKU 3 and 4 into the new pallet, then this pallet to put into the queue "Reordered Pallets 1", the vacated pallet to disappear. With the above activity I should have at the end 52 reordered pallets ready to be racked.Warehouse CCLS v1.3.fsm