
juliategami avatar image
juliategami asked juliategami commented

How to palletize the same item in layers


I have doubts about a Palletization process, where I need the Pallet to contain 72 boxes, with 6 layers of 12 boxes and each layer a sheet of cardboard. Could you help me with this question?

Here is the model I am building: Paletização.fsm

Thank you.

FlexSim 24.0.0
palletizinglayer palletizing
paletizacao.fsm (3.7 MiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered juliategami commented

Here's an example using a basicFR with process flow; labels on the basicFR to set the quantities; a process flow to control the items through ports and a pallet set to use the layer stacking packing method.



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