
Zumo avatar image
Zumo asked Zumo commented

Use processor again when item fail

Hello great community,

I'd like to make some decisions in my simulation, but I'm not sure how to do it. I would need to set the processors to have a FPY of 90% and when a unit in the processor fails (failure can occur at any time during the process time), the operator have to retest unit.(take unit out of processor and put it back in the processor). But if the unit fails a second time, the operator will take the unit out and sends it on a conveyor to the repair station (sink with the name fail)

I will be glad for any explanation / help

Thank you in advance


FlexSim 24.1.1
processorsfail repairfpy
test03.fsm (449.4 KiB)
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Zumo,

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Zumo avatar image Zumo Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Jason,

I use my personal account, as we have licenses for a company account that we as users do not have access to, only our admins. :/

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Ashish avatar image Ashish commented ·

With the help of process flow I have build a demo model as per your need.


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defect-2.fsm (60.3 KiB)
Zumo avatar image Zumo Ashish commented ·
Hi @Ashish

U´re right thats what am i looking for. Thank you so much for your help !!

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1 Answer

Adam C avatar image
Adam C answered

I might do something like this in the Process Time code:

Write an empirical distribution to a label on the unit that flags whether it will fail 0, 1, or 2 times. Return 1x cycle time for 0, or 2x cycle time for 1 or 2 fails. In this case the unit does not leave the station but you get the same effect of it being "retested" immediately.

On Send To Port (or a later decision point) route units where the fail label equals 2 to the fail sink.

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