
Eusebio avatar image
Eusebio asked Eusebio commented

Coordinate operators and open ports depending on the number of pieces

In the model I have two problems, the first is that when Queue2 reaches a minimum of 25 pieces, the input port must be opened and Operator1 must start filling the Queue again until reaching 100 pieces and so on.

The other problem is that in Queue3 a batch of 50 is formed, when this happens an operator must take that batch to Queue4 and when another batch is put together in Queue3 another operator must go different from the first one and so on until returning to operator1. The problem I have is that all three operators go at the same time every time a batch is formed.

Could you help me solve this problem? Thank you very much.

Gasca 2022.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.0
batchclose and open portssecuence operators
gasca-2022.fsm (68.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Adam C avatar image
Adam C answered Eusebio commented

For the first question, you can add these code blocks to the denoted triggers on Queue2:

  1. //On Entry Trigger - Close input at 100 pcs
  2. if (current.subnodes.length >= 100)
  3. {
  4. current.input.close();
  5. }
  7. //On Exit Trigger - Open input at 25 pcs
  8. if (current.subnodes.length <= 25)
  9. {
  11. }

For the second question, you could hook up Queue3 to a dispatcher that uses 'Round Robin' as the Pass To logic. This will always rotate through your connected operators when assigning the transport task. Or use 'Round Robin if Available' if it is ok to skip assigning to one operator if they are busy and another is available immediately.

Edit: If you want one operator to move all 50 pieces, one at a time, it is not as simple. I would probably use process flow to create the task sequence but still pass it to the dispatcher as mentioned above. Have the queue push the parts to a list, and once you can pull 50 from the list in process flow perform a TRAVEL/LOAD/TRAVEL/UNLOAD for each pulled part.

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Eusebio avatar image Eusebio commented ·

Thank you for the answer to the first question, it was very useful.

For the second question, as you say it is more complex, I will try it with Process Flow. Thank you very much for your support.

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