
Stefan99 avatar image
Stefan99 asked Stefan99 commented

How to animate my own elevator with BasicTe

I have my own elevator and I want to use BasicTe c to make it work similar to an ASRS but it doesn't work, first I went into animation and created the components .1724744595099.png

then I created the kinematics for the movements here 1724744666831.png

and I tend to think that the problem is in the motion creation code, which looks like this 1724744784498.png

I would really appreciate it if you could help me to make it work, I'll leave the model attached for you to look over.Model_elevator.fsm

FlexSim 24.2.0
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model-elevator.fsm (880.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Stefan99 commented

The nodes you are initializing the kinematics in do not exist. You can use "assert" to make that they do (they will get created if they don't).

treenode axaKin = axa.attrs.assert("kinematic");
treenode platanKin = platan.attrs.assert("kinematic");

In the On Draw you are going down one layer too far and refer to the "MySurrogate" object instead of "platan".

And the offset you are given in the On Begin Offset trigger is relative to the location of the BasicTE. The coordinates of the surrogates you read in the code are relative to their parent object. You need apply a further offset to them.

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Stefan99 avatar image Stefan99 commented ·

I only managed that reference "the turntable is not ok, it's coming out of the elevator, how can I do that?1724755121922.png

and the box is not placed on the "platan"

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1724755121922.png (210.1 KiB)
Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Stefan99 commented ·

Did you fix the On Draw trigger? It should only be a single "first" in line 7.



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model-elevator-1.fsm (880.9 KiB)
Stefan99 avatar image Stefan99 Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Thank you very much, it works exactly as I want, it just doesn't put the box on the turntable, how can I do this?

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