
Felipe Capalbo avatar image
Felipe Capalbo asked Logan Gold answered

Results File

I was wondering if there are other formats to export result files from the simulation model.

By default, FlexSim uses SQLite in the Experimenter. I also had result files exported in CSV format.

FlexSim 24.1.0
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
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Logan Gold answered

@Felipe Capalbo, when referring to the Experimenter, there are a few ways I know for generating reports when viewing the results from an experiment - as HTML files, Excel files, or CSV files.

If those don't fit what you're trying to export, you could also export just about any data you want by using the End of Replication or End of Job triggers. The link is a few years old now, and my guess is the option for generating a report to an Excel workbook or CSV files does the same thing as the example. But that "Export Results to CSV File" dropdown option is a good example that could be modified to do other things.

Is there a specific way you want to view the results that you're having trouble figuring out?

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