
jgbb avatar image
jgbb asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Patient arrival patterns

In the Source Arrivals, what expression do I need to put in the Quantity column to simulate our emergency department's typical arrival patterns. For example, I know that in our ED on average 2.2 patients arrive between 07:00-08:00. Patients are whole people so I really just need the simulation to select 2 or 3 patients to arrive randomly spaced during that hour.

FlexSim 22.2.0
patient arrivals
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

You could use a base of 2 and add 1 in 20 percent of the cases.

  1. 2 + bernoulli(20, 1, 0, getstream(activity))

With larger numbers you might want a bigger variance though, so using a distribution with the correct mean value and rounding the value might be better.

· 2
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