
Keter avatar image
Keter asked Keter commented

Distancetotravel function measures two different values in the same route


I'm using Distancetotravel function to calculate the travel distance from AGV to destination control poins. However, when I copied the route from AGV1. The measurment result of AGV1 was 28.42;The measurment result of AGV2 was 19,22. These two route are the same, hope I can get some answer.

Additional question, If the route has two more ways from the AGV to the destination control poins, can the Distancetotravel function still work? My goal was to calculate the shortest travel distance from the AGV to the destination control point. Thank you!




My goal was to calculate the shortest travel distance from the AGV to the destination control point. Thank you!

FlexSim 23.2.1
agv1.png (111.6 KiB)
agv2.png (112.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Keter commented

The control points on the copied path are not linked to the path. I would presume that TaskExecuter2 is not actually connected to the network (or you'd get an error message) and "distancetotravel()" thus returns the straightline distance (default navigator) instead of the distance along the path.

The function will always return the distance along the shortest path to the destination.

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Keter avatar image Keter commented ·
Thanks, problem solved!
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