
jacopo-r avatar image
jacopo-r asked jacopo-r commented

Wait for value pulled from list is triggered when leaving entries on list


In the attached model, I recreated the behavior I need to mimic.

In short, I pull an item to a list, and the related token exists immediately the Push To List activity and it needs to wait to be pulled in a Wait For Event (wait for value pulled from list) activity. I have two additional tokens: 1 that only need to get a reference of the item; 1 that needs to pull the item from the list. The first token has the "leave entries on list" box ticked, but the wait for event activity fires anyway. I thought only the actual pull would have triggered it.

Do you have any suggestions with this kind of flows? I kind of need to keep the double push from list. If the reference pull from list happens, I don't want the item token to proceed in the flow.

Thank you in advance.


FlexSim 24.0.1
wait for eventpull from list
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered jacopo-r commented

I assume that in the actual model the pushing token would run through some other logic before entering the Wait for Event activity. So to be safe the possibility of the token having already been (properly) pulled before the token arrives there should also be handled.

One way to do this would be to add a second list just for synchronization. The real puller would push the pulled token to that list and the push token would pull itself from that list.


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jacopo-r avatar image jacopo-r commented ·
Thank you @Felix Möhlmann
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