
Marcio avatar image
Marcio asked Adna Lima answered

How to Model a Multi-Operator Assembly and Packaging Process in FlexSim?

WhatsApp Video 2024-11-12 at 12.32.49.mp4Esquema Final.fsm
Hello everyone,

I'm working on a project in FlexSim and need assistance modeling a specific process of assembling and packaging panels on a production line. Below is a detailed description of the workflow:

  • Operator 1:

    • Responsible for initially labeling the plastic bag and Delivers the labeled bag to Operator 2 across a shared worktable. (2 seconds)
    • While Operator 2 opens the bag and prepares for packaging, Operator 1 assembles the next panel (base, kit, and cover) and prepares the next plastic bag. (4 seconds)
  • Operator 2:

    • Receives the labeled plastic bag and opens it. (2 seconds)
    • Packs the assembled panel into the opened plastic bag and Transports the packaged panel to the sealing machine. (4 seconds)
  • Both operators work face-to-face, with a shared worktable between them, facilitating a continuous flow of activities.

  • Operator 3:

    • During the sealing process, is responsible for opening and assembling cardboard boxes. (12 seconds)
    • Places the sealed panels into the boxes until they reach maximum capacity. (2 seconds)
    • Closes, labels, and transports the filled boxes to the stock pallet. (20 seconds)

My questions are:

  1. How can I configure the operators and their specific tasks in FlexSim?

    • How do I assign sequential and parallel activities between Operators 1 and 2?
    • How can I represent Operator 2 waiting for Operator 1 to finish assembling the panel?
  2. How do I model the shared worktable between Operators 1 and 2?

    • Should I use a static resource, or is there a better way to represent this interaction in FlexSim?
  3. What is the best way to synchronize the activities among the operators?

    • How can I ensure that Operator 3 starts assembling the boxes while the panels are being sealed?
  4. How can I represent the flow of materials (plastic bags, panels, cardboard boxes) throughout the process?

    • Should I use conveyors, queues, or another specific tool in FlexSim?
  5. How do I implement the sealing process and the maximum capacity of the boxes?

    • Is there a way to define the box capacity and automate the closing and labeling when they are full?

I would greatly appreciate any help or guidance on how to effectively model this process in FlexSim.

Thank you very much!

FlexSim 24.2.1
processs flowmulti-operator
· 2
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Maston avatar image Maston commented ·

Marcio, this is a great question! I used it as a teaching example for my intern to demonstrate how different processes can interact in various ways. If you're building this in the 3D model space, I recommend following @Joerg Vogel suggested approach.

For question 3, synchronizing tasks strictly in the 3D space can get complex (at least for me). Sometimes, the simplest solution is to open and close input ports to manage task dispatching more easily.

I've attached the flowchart we put together along with the example model. My apologies for it being built in the 25.0 Beta version.

172726_Work Sequences.pdf


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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Marcio, was Joerg Vogel's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always comment back to reopen your question.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

packaging_squence.fsmIt looks like a sequence of combiners. They are loaded by operators.

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Adna Lima avatar image
Adna Lima answered

Hello Marcio!

I have verified that the process flow of the model is not activated. If possible, it would be more interesting to model these activities in Process Flow.

As for question 1 and 3, I believe it is easier for you to use the sequential activities feature to distribute the activities among other operators. On the website there is a breakdown of how this function works:

Há também um tutorial disponível sobre este assunto: Tutorial Task 5.1 - Create a Custom Fixed Resource

To model the shared worktable between Operators 1 and 2, from the attached video I believe that it is not necessary to represent in a shared way, I could allocate each one a Queue and only represent in 3D as a single location.

For question 5, also in Process Flow, you can assign labels to define the capacity of the boxes and control that flow.

Hope this helps in your work!

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