
dong avatar image
dong asked Logan Gold commented

trigger on run stop problem

Hi, currently my model is paused, and I'm using the trigger on "Run Stop" to open a socket and receive messages. When a specific value is received, it should stop receiving and continue running with `go`, but it doesn't proceed as expected. How can I resolve this?


FlexSim 24.2.2
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

@dong, There does not exist an command interpreter, that runs during the program flexsim is open to iniate automatically a modell run. Once a model has been called a stop on it, the model will only start by a hitting the run button.

If you want to have such a functionality, you must use an external procedure on windows system level, that emulates activating a button in a FlexSim program window.

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dong avatar image dong commented ·

However, I would like to achieve this through socket listening, but I'm unable to set up the listening correctly. What should I do?

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel dong commented ·
@dong, this additional condition does not change anything in my answer. As long as you stop your model run at a timestamp, you will not get it to work again still from any code from within your model.
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