
Daivesen avatar image
Daivesen asked Jeanette F commented

How can I put 20 to 50 objects in random quantities and types into a Tote?

Hey guys

I'm trying to put several items in a tote which is on the combiner, but since I'm very beginner of flexsim, this is quite hard for me.

I already have everything connected, but I don't know how to make 20 to 50 random items fit inside the Tote, in Combiner3, in random quantities.

It would be appreciated if one of you guys help me.



FlexSim 24.2.2
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

there are two variables invovled targetcomponentsum and currentcomponentsum.

A Picklist Template updates values by a global table lookup. An involved value is responsible to choose a column in a global table. This model here changes the global table value on each Processfinish Event to get a new random value.

The second example updates involved nodes directly on the same event trigger.


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