
Unax Urrutia avatar image
Unax Urrutia asked Felix Möhlmann commented

I want to move items by truck from one queue to another queue but not one by one


I need help with sending items in a queue in a certain time of the day to another que by truck. My problem is that it moves the items one by one and I want the truck to move the items of its capacity in one travel.

How can I do that? I attach my model to you to see. The queues are the ones that are connected with the truck.

For example:

From 0:00 pm in the first queue a item is created each 10 minutes. So I want the first truck travel at 8:00 am with the quantity of items of its capacity (62 items). Then the second travel at 10:00 am with the same quantity or less due to the fact that at the queue there is no sufficient items to complete the truck. This issue each day repeatitly.


FlexSim 23.2.3
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

There is a misunderstanding here about what the "Send to Port" field does. It decides where to send items, not when. The return value of the field is the port through which the item will be released. So currently most of the time items are send to the first available object (port "0"). And sometimes to the 62nd connection. Since that doesn't exist, those items will actually stay in the queue.

Any item that enters a queue will by default be routed to the next object immediately. There are two main ways of how you can control the timing of the release:

1. Open/close the output of the queue (or the input of the receiving object) based on a timer. The timer could be user events, delayed messages or scheduled tokens in a Process Flow. Once the output is open, the queue would release as many items as possible.

2. Choose "Do Not Release Items" in the Send to Port field. Then release them at a later time through a specific port to override that code. Again through the use of some kind of clock. This option makes it easier to control how many items should be released.


There are of course more options of how to implement transport logic, for example controlling it entirely through Process Flow. But these are the options that keep making use of the 3d-logic with port-connections.

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