
Tushar H avatar image
Tushar H asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Combiner leave the pallet if items not available

Hello All,

In this simulation item type and pallet type match and combiner combine the item as per Global Table. but first I want that if items not available on rack for that type, then combiner will transfer the pallet to queue without wait for Quantity.

PFA model : Subnode item pickup in combiner -.fsm

FlexSim 24.1.0
combinercustom combiner
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Rejecting pallets which can not be filled yet would result in the transporters constantly juggling around pallets until eventually the items for one are available.

Maybe have a look at the opportunistic combiner model Jason Lightfoot posted a couple years ago.

Instead of having the logic constantly search for all possible combinations, each waiting pallet would create a token to check for its requirements. Once they are fulfilled, the transport to a combiner for that pallet could be started.

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