
Sia Sengchoon193 avatar image
Sia Sengchoon193 asked Sia Sengchoon193 commented

How to set the number of objects that the combiner needs to combine?

The order I preset is to produce colored products from P1 or P2 or P3,

After sending it to the combiner, the operator will move the Q2 uncolored carton to the combiner for combination.

Then send to Q3


I just need to combine 1 colored carton and 1 uncolored carton,

But this model will move all the cartons of P1~P3 to a same combiner for combination,


So I want to ask how to set the number of objects processed by the combiner,

I guess this should be solved with process flow,

But is there an easier way? for example triggers


FlexSim 21.1.5
combinercombiner itemtypecustom combiner
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combiner.fsm (37.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Sia Sengchoon193 commented

Hello @Sia Sengchoon193,

Would it work for you to just add a queue before the combiners?



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