
Carlos C18 avatar image
Carlos C18 asked Carlos C18 commented

Combiner by label

Hi ! I'm in trouble...

This is my model, Through the first processor GM there are 2 types of flow items (Label 1,2), through the second P there is just one (Label 3), In the Combiner I need to pick any item type from any of the processors and add just one element from the source attached. ( Flow items from the processors never join) I tried to use a Global Table with the "Update Combiner Component List" Trigger on Entry, but since the source is always available I can't read its label to make sure that it will be always be joined with one of any of the other Flow items.

What can I do ?

Sorry if this is a silly question! I'm just a newbie.

(Sorry for my english)

Thanks! I would provide any extra info if needed.


FlexSim 20.2.1
global tablecombinerflexsim 20.2.1combiner itemtype
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Carlos C18 commented

You need not the table row named "Type". Please erase this row completely.

Replace the source at input port 1 of the combiner with a queue. Create an item in this queue, whenever an item finishes processing in the processors GM and P. This item must have a label called Type to change the recipe of the combiner. I have done this with a source code in the On Process Finish trigger of the processors.

  1. Object container = createcopy(Model.find("Tools/FlowItemBin/Pallet/Pallet"),model());
  2. container.labels.assert("Type",item.Type);
  3. moveobject(container,Model.find("Queue2")); 


Version 20.1

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