
Gui Vaccaro avatar image
Gui Vaccaro asked Gui Vaccaro commented

How to create a list partition when it is populated with "toFlatArray()" ?

Hello, is there a way to partition a list when the values are pushed using "toFlatArray"? In this picture, I am trying to use a label (""shift") from the objects being added as the partition. I added an extra label-column ("shift") to the list to use it as a partition, but none of the alternatives found in the documentation seem to partition the list.


Thank you for any help.

FlexSim 24.2.2
listpartition id
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Gui Vaccaro commented

I am not aware of a method to push multiple values to a list at once while dynamically determining their partition. You'd have to do (at least) as many pushes as there are different partition IDs.

Easiest option would probably be to use a sub flow.

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Gui Vaccaro avatar image Gui Vaccaro commented ·

Hi, @Felix Möhlmann , thank you. Could I pre-define that list field as the partition somehow? The model can have a variable number of shifts defined, but the partition will be always by shift. I do not see an option for pre-defining partitions in the list configuration, though. Thank you.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Gui Vaccaro commented ·

No, the partition must be defined for each push.


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