
thl23564 avatar image
thl23564 asked Ralf Gruber edited

Use batching and pulling to reduce setup time


i have 3 different Items running through a "washing station". That station has setup time, when the "Form" Label changes. The 3 different Types (Form) are seperated into 3 Queues that perform batching.
My idea is that there is a queue (Q_WashProcess) that pulls one batch and only pulls the next batch, when its empty.

I cant find a way where the station switches between "Forms" so often, that its spending most amount of the time in "setup"

Sadly i have no experience with ProcessFlow
Some help would be greatly appreciated

FlexSim 24.2.2
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1 Answer

Ralf Gruber avatar image
Ralf Gruber answered Ralf Gruber edited


attached is a sample model of how I understood your question. The three upstream queues collect a batch of 5 items, the downstream queue pulls the batch with the longest waiting time.

The "Specific Item Label" Pull Requirement has been modified to take only items with the same type label already present in the queue. If it is empty, it can take any type label value.

Does that help?


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