
Elise avatar image
Elise asked Jacob W2 commented

something wrong on data type when call python function

I create a python function, which need a parameter 'col'. This function will return 'qty' from pandas dataFrame structure.

screenshot-2024-12-31-102601.pngwhen I set up everything well in FlexSim, and call the function, print the result, output console shows NULL, system console shows 2.0.


Then I tried many methods, I found it seems the data 'col' sent to python is recognized as dataType float64. Then I use int() and float() to change the data type, it works well. output console is correctscreenshot-2024-12-31-104511.png


I am working on a complex python function to prepare a dictionary for Flexsim global table. So for the data I want send to FlexSim, I have to use float(). it is so inconvenient. Hope get a better idea about this.

FlexSim 24.0.4
flexsim python
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Jacob W2 avatar image Jacob W2 ♦ commented ·

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