
Amanda Prado avatar image
Amanda Prado asked Amanda Prado commented

Tokens in a zone to acquire just 1 resource

Hello All,

I'm trying to develop a model where I use the zone to limit the capacity of my task executor.

So, for example, two tokens enter my zone, the others wait outside it. I managed to implement this logic, and it's working fine.

The thing is, as soon as the tokens enter the zone (2 tokens, as I gave as an example), I need to acquire a resource that will transport these items to another point in the model. I can't think of a way to acquire just ONE resource that will transport the TWO boxes.

In my model, I'm acquiring 2 resources, one for each token, and that's not what I want.

I'm attaching the model up to the point where I developed it.

Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 24.2.2
agvzoneacquire resource
· 2
5 |100000

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Dhakshna avatar image Dhakshna commented ·

Hi, if you're trying to use a single resource to transport two items, you can use the Run Sub Flow. If you're looking for something else, please update the question or add a comment and attach the model. That would be helpful.

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Larissa Giotti avatar image
Larissa Giotti answered Logan Gold commented

Hi, Amanda.

The suggestion is to insert a Batch after the Zone, to create a batch of tokens and in this case it is quantified by the token.Weight. In Label Aggregation, the weights will be added to arrive at the definition of the Batch Quantity and transform the item into an Array, this step is necessary for the following loading and unloading steps.

Other important properties to change are the Run Sub Flow including Assign Labels to Childrens, in this step to direct the boxes to the Subflow step, where we will add an Assign Labes, increase the Label Counter and later decide to validate the entry of all the boxes that make up the sum of the weight in the Batch.

I have attached the model with the suggestions presented to make it easier to view.

Adquirir apenas 1 recurso para todos os tokens da zone - Sugestao Batch.fsm

· 1
5 |100000

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Hey @Larissa Giotti, sorry, it looks like your images didn't come through. Can you try uploading them again?
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Dhakshna avatar image
Dhakshna answered Amanda Prado commented

· 3
5 |100000

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Hi Dhaksna,

Thank you for your attention, but let me explain better.

This example I sent is on a smaller scale, but for my final model, I will have many PNs, and not just 3 PNs like in the example.

Each of the PNs has its weight and the AGV that transports these items has a maximum capacity, so I thought of using the zone.

Whenever the AGV is going to collect the items to then transport them to another point in the plant, it is necessary to check if the weight does not exceed the limit.

For the preview of the model I created, this validation is being done, that is, only the maximum weight limit supported by the AGV enters the zone. In this example, 2 tokens are entering (hypothetical weights that I created), but for the real simulation, it may happen that numerous small items are transported at once, that is, it is a closed value of (2) in each transport.

If 5 tokens enter my zone, for example, I would like to call only 1 AGV, not 5.

I hope I was clear.

Extremely grateful for your help.

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Amanda Prado avatar image Amanda Prado Dhakshna commented ·


Thank you very much for the solution. I understood the logic built, except for the create tokens activity. What was the reason? Why couldn't we follow the flow with the initial tokens?

Thank you very much again!

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