
Borja Lorenzo avatar image
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Borja Lorenzo asked Borja Lorenzo commented

Error Excel Import from Cloud Service

Hello everyone,
'm having a problem when I try to import an Excel file that I have hosted on a corporate OneDrive service. If I save the file in the path and DO NOT OPEN it, I can import it as many times as I want. However, if I open the file, make any changes, save, and CLOSE the file, the import assistant returns the errors that I paste below.

This does not happen when I have the file locally. I can make any modifications I want after the first import. Any subsequent import of the updated data does not give me an error. However, in the cloud, I would have to save a new Excel file with the changes and then import it.


The file and the sheet "Datos" exist. Could it be related to some issue with temporary memory or synchronization of the cloud storage (in my case, OneDrive)? Or am I doing something wrong?

Thank you in advance for yours comments.

FlexSim 24.1.1
excel importexcelimport
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1 Answer

Jacob W2 avatar image
Jacob W2 answered Borja Lorenzo commented

Hi @Borja Lorenzo,

I am including a link to another forum answer that goes over possible reasons why you are experiencing this error.

Excel import from cloud service like SharePoint - FlexSim Community

Hopefully this will help you find a solution to this error.



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Thank you for your response, Jacob. Your suggestions and related posts were very helpful. In my case, I solved it by synchronizing the file on the OneDrive platform. Stopping the update no longer causes issues with the import.

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