
Gui Vaccaro avatar image
Gui Vaccaro asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Bug (?) in BarChart Percentages


I noticed a possible bug when percentages are shown in a bar chart.
It seems the percentage representation conflicts with the statistics collector representation of percentages.


Thank you for any clarification

FlexSim 25.0.2
statistics collectorbug reportbar chartpercentage
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5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
1 Like"
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

The "Show Percentage" option is poorly explained in the documentation. It is only useful when you have grouped bars. A good example is the state bar chart. The time in each state is represented by a single bar. These are grouped by the object they belong to.


In the default settings these bars are stacked.


And the "Show Percentage" option scales them to show what percentage of the sum value each bar makes up.


capture1.png (7.9 KiB)
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capture3.png (6.8 KiB)
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5 |100000

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