
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked Felix Möhlmann commented

How to access the output port of Fluid Object - Tank?

Hi Team,

I am using Fluid Library objects. I have to access the output port to change the value from 1 to 0.75. But when I am trying to access the output port using following code, it is not working.


Could you help me to resolve it?

Thank you!

FlexSim 25.0.2
output portvaluechangingfluid objectstank
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

You are assigning the value of the node (1) to a treenode type variable. A number is not a node, so the result is null. Assign the node (removing the ".value") and then set its value.

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