
SeongWeon HONG avatar image
SeongWeon HONG asked SeongWeon HONG commented

Why box stop on the conveyor?


After stacking operation, the box stops.

I don't know how many boxes flow and which box stops.

I don't know why the box stops.

Please help.


FlexSim 24.2.3
conveyoritems stop
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered SeongWeon HONG commented

Seems to be a bug. The item immediately re-entering the same conveyor can cause it to lock up.

You can work around this by introducing a 0s delay between the item entering the queue and it being released to conveyor again (send a delayed message to the queue and open the output in the OnMessage trigger). This allows any other pending events to conclude before the item enters the conveyor again.


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