
Amanda Prado avatar image
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Amanda Prado asked Amanda Prado commented

2 AGVs on the same mission

Doubt - AMRs on the same Mission_autosave.fsmGood afternoon, Community!

The logic I want to create is as follows: Whenever one of the queues (20 and 22) accumulates 4 items, an AGV should transport the items to queue 21.

Each AGV should handle a specific mission, but in my simulation, both AGVs are going to perform the same mission at the same time. If you notice, in the first mission that the AGV performs, QUEUE 22 accumulates 4 items, and both AGVs go to load the items together. Meanwhile, queue 20 accumulates 4 items. If the second AGV had waited for its own mission, it could have collected the items from queue 20.

In summary, I would like each AGV to perform its missions individually.

FlexSim 25.0.1
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Amanda Prado commented

The 3d-port-logic will create a transport task sequence for each individual item. You either need to make sure that all task sequences of a given batch are passed to the same AGV (by modifying the Pass To logic of the dispatcher or using a list, for example).

This example uses Round Robin logic in the dispatcher's Pass To field that switches AGV every four task sequences (so it only works if all batches have a size of four).


Or you create a single custom task sequence for the entire batch. In this model a Process Flow reacts to a queue finishing a batch and creates a task sequence to transport the items. Note that the port-connections are still used to reference the dispatcher and destination queue. But the collecting queue is set to not release items or use transports by itself.


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