
Arun Kr avatar image
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Arun Kr asked Ben Wilson edited

Large simulation model best practices

I need information regarding best practices in building a large simulation model. In other words, best practices to build a RAM optimized simulation model.

FlexSim 16.0.1
best practiceslarge modelram optimized
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson edited

There was this post along the same topic in the FlexSim blog:

Some other memory-related considerations:

  • combine flowitems using join rather than pack whenever possible (minimizes number of flowitems)
  • create flowitems only when they are needed and destroy them as soon as possible (minimizes number of flowitems)
  • if flowitems do need to persist (or data related to flowitems), consider abstracting flowitems into rows of a bundle and only spawn "physical" 3D flowitems when needed

Other tricks for limiting RAM usage will be more on a case by case basis, depending on what your modeling, the approach you take, the inputs driving the model, and the required outputs.

But in general, a massive number of flowitems is usually where models can become unwieldy. The suggestions above could help.

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