
Lilian Fonseca avatar image
Lilian Fonseca asked Adrian Haws commented

How to make a process flow run only once?


In the attached model, I would like the "Move Door" process in the process flow to happen just once, so that it stops generating more flow items (doors) after the first one is created. How is the best way to accomplish that?

FlexSim 16.1.0
process flow
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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered Adrian Haws commented

Hi Lilian,

I did this in the attached model by placing a "Decide" activity just below the "Source" that looked at the specific token id. If that case isn't met, the token goes to a sink.

However, it looks like the door isn't being created in the "Move Door" process but rather in the "Create 3D Box" activity above. Is that what you're meaning to do?

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Lilian Fonseca avatar image Lilian Fonseca commented ·

@Adrian Haws, yes, that is exactly what I would like to do.

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Adrian Haws avatar image Adrian Haws Lilian Fonseca commented ·

Perfect, glad that worked.

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