
Ben Walker avatar image
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Ben Walker asked Joerg Vogel answered

How to create a multi-platform lift

In my current model I have trays coming off conveyors and being taken down to another conveyor by an elevator.

My current model works just fine for what it is. What I would like to do is create an elevator that runs continuously in a loop and has many carriers on it so I can move multiple trays at once with one elevator.

Please see my attachment of the elevator.

FlexSim 16.1.0
flexsimforum.png (113.2 KiB)
elevator.png (34.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

As I commented the multi-platform lift can be created by a conveyor, which is inside a container object like a visual plane.

The platforms are pallet and the items get to the platforms by Photo Eyes and the Command moveobject. You can uncheck the 3D Shape of the Plane in its Properties and change the visual of the conveyor system.

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