How do i model this example of schedule?schedule.png
More precisely, how to change the staff number per day and per hour/shift creating different modelling scenarios using the experiment tool?
How do i model this example of schedule?schedule.png
More precisely, how to change the staff number per day and per hour/shift creating different modelling scenarios using the experiment tool?
There are two experiment variables you might find useful:
Shift Schedule Assignments
This lets you change what shift schedule is assigned to the chosen resource or group per scenario.
Number of Resources in a Group
This lets you change the number of resources that are active in the group. So say you have a group with 5 members, you can use this variable to set the number of active resources to 3 so that 2 of them aren't used.
So you'll want to set up shift schedules to reflect the schedule you desire and then either move people in and out of those schedules using the first option, or assign a group to the schedule and change how many active staff members there are in the group using the second option.
@Matthew GillespieThere is a schedule refering to the hours of 0600-1200 Monday till Sunday. To that specific schedule I have assigned group 1 (RN1s). How can I change the staff members only for Mondays for example for the experiment tool?
In that case you need more shift schedules. You could make another schedule that's almost the same, but doesn't have the Monday shift and then use the Shift Schedule Assignment variable to move a staff member to the new shift schedule.
So, if i want to model different number of staff per shift (let's assume 6-hour-shift each) for every shift and every day, i will be needing 42 schedules and 42 groups, in order to assign every schedule to each one of them?
No, you'd just need each staff member of that group to be on a different schedule. More precisely you'd need to make one schedule for every type of weekly shift schedule. Then you just assign each individual staff member to one of these schedules. You can then use the experimenter to switch the staff members between schedules.
For example, using your schedule.png image I made up shifts for 4 different staff members:
So you'd make a shift schedule for each of the 4 staff members.
Hi Matthew, i am working on FlexSim 21 version and have a similar question. I did create a new shift schedule for one of the MDs. How do I write the expression for assigning MD2 to this parameter? Also do I have the variable written correctly?
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How to assign resource to shift schedules in the experimenter?
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