
Fernanda Becker avatar image
Fernanda Becker asked Fernanda Becker commented

How create many items just at time 0?

Dear everybody,

I have a warehouse model, which products arrive from a source with inter-arrival time style, using a global table to set the percentage of each itemtype (there are 200 item types).

But I need a second source to fill the warehouse at time = 0, using another table (containing the exactly quantity of items that must be created). This source 2 must create all the items just in time = 0 and don't create anything else after it.

How can I set this second source?

Thank you a lot! 20160919-modeloteste-v5-autosave.fsm

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Adrian Haws avatar image
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Adrian Haws answered Fernanda Becker commented

@Fernanda Becker Without setting the quantity and itemtypes in the source manually, you have a couple options. First, you can import the values from an Excel table. Second, you can use the "Schedule Source" and "Create Object" activities in Process Flow. In the source you are able to use a global table lookup for the quantity of tokens created. Then each token will create one item in the queue. Itemtypes and labels can then be set in the fixed resource triggers.

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Fernanda Becker avatar image Fernanda Becker commented ·

Thank you very much, @Adrian Haws!!

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Fernanda Becker commented

You can set a queue arrival style to Arrival Schedule. Then you set the Number of Arrivals to value of different itemtypes you like to create. You can even set the number of different labels if you like and set those labels' values.

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Fernanda Becker avatar image Fernanda Becker commented ·

Thanks a lot, @Jörg Vogel !!

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