
Fernanda Becker avatar image
Fernanda Becker asked Joerg Vogel edited

Arrival schedule + By Percentage

Dear all,

I'm modeling a retail supply chain and I would like to set my source with an arrival schedule style, in order make my products (there are 200 types of products) arrive just once a week. But I also would like to create these items following a percentage (from a global table), because the idea is that the arrival of one product is a possibility, not a deterministic number.

But when setting the arrival schedule, I found just the option to fill the exactly quantity of each product. I don't want to set a quantity, but a percentage of representativity of each one (from an amount of X, that is the total quantity that I need the source to create at that time). Moreover, this percentage will be in a global table and I will create an User Event to get the values from the global table and put then into the right place.

OBS: The intention is to expose the model to the probability situation, once in reality when a retailer asks for a product, he will not always receive its right quantity.

How can I do this?

Thank you very much!

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source schedulearrival scheduleby percentage
20161005-modelo.fsm (51.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

Before you update the quantities in the schedule table you can try to get the values by the dempirical distribution.In the needed table you set a probability for a quantity of items. The function computes the discrete value which you set in the schedule table right before the next repeat starts.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

The node of the schedule can accessed by


current works, if you use a trigger in the source. Otherwise you need pointer to the source. Typically you use the Sampler to get such reference. The capacity value is in the 4th column of the table.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

A really ambitious approach would be to create a new table by SQL like @jordan.johnson has described it in a smaller example here and dump the table into the schedule node.

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