I'm actually basing this question on my question and model from 10/10/16. Please see file attached, the only change that I did to the model was to add a dispatcher. Now that I have done that I have the issue that the task sequence given to a token referencing the object being used gets lost down the process. The problem is that since now they go to a list the "taskSequence" information becomes "NULL" and when I try to reference it later (in unload item from TE) it does not work. How can I reference the TE that has been executing all of the activities? is there a better way to do this? the only reason I'm using a dispatcher is because I want to dispatch the TE on first available basis to tasks.
Background information on the model that was explained in my previews question:
At first, tokens entering the process flow need to go through activities separately (each one is carrying information on their labels that affect the activities), but then they need to be "batched" (this is where the solution to my question last time was to use send to list), go through activities as a group (so the time taken in an activity is as a group not individuals) and then release them from the "batch" (list) while each one still carrying their corresponding information stored in their original token labels so they can go through their separate downstream processes