
sanaz karamimoghaddam avatar image
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sanaz karamimoghaddam asked sanaz karamimoghaddam edited

How to assign a virtual distance and speed to different part of a AGV network or to AGV travelers?

In my model, I have an AGV network that includes two different environments for traveling (e.g. Sea, and River), which requires different speeds for each different part. Also I want to input the distance between the load location and unload location (the distance between the pick up control point and the drop off control point) on the AGV network. How can I input these information. Also I'd appreciate any insight on where am I able to input such information, on the TEs or on the network, and which one is the better choice? I create the TEs in a process flow, and use two separate lists of TEs for the two different environments. P.S. Is there a way to put a fixed time duration for the travel on the AGV instead of distance and speed?

FlexSim 16.2.0
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1 Answer

anthony.johnson avatar image
anthony.johnson answered sanaz karamimoghaddam edited

At this point the AGV module doesn't support virtual distances. I would suggest just using the standard travel networks using network nodes. They support virtual distances.

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sanaz karamimoghaddam avatar image sanaz karamimoghaddam commented ·

Dear @anthony.johnson,

I was using network nodes. But because I needed to make the TEs to make several stops and wait a certain amount there (and one TE is allowed to be at the stop point at a time) during their travel to destination, I switched to AGV and CPs. Is there an alternative?

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