
Clair A avatar image
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Clair A asked Clair A edited

Why does an AGV not resume after reaching its battery resume threshold ?


The attached model is the AGV tutorial lesson 3. I just tuned the item arrivals, the battery capacity and recharge parameters to illustrate my point: in this model the AGV does not resume after reaching its battery resume threshold.

If you look in the AGV template, the AGV is waiting for activation, and an item is waiting to be loaded. But this item had tried to activate a parked AGV before the AGV had reached its battery resume threshold. When the AGV reaches its battery resume threshold, he's just waiting for a new item arrival that would activate him, but he's not looking if there are already items waiting to be loaded.

Should the AGV template be modified ?


FlexSim 16.2.1
agvagv process flowbattery
5 |100000

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1 Answer

anthony.johnson avatar image
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anthony.johnson answered Clair A edited

Dang, you guys keep finding bugs. Luckily this one can be fixed on your side. The problem here is that the AGV will always wait to be activated by a new item entering the system, even if it went to park for battery charging reasons. This means when the AGV finishes recharging, it waits indefinitely because there are no more items entering the system.

To fix this, I added the load balancing logic into the section after the battery is recharged. The effect is that, if the AGV went to park purely for battery charging reasons (not for load balancing reasons), then when he gets back out of charging his battery, he'll re-check load balancing, and if he needs to get back into the system, he'll immediately start up again, and not wait to be activated.

I'm attaching the model with the fix. My changes are in the Parking section. We'll fix this for the next release.

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