
Bartosz Wierzba avatar image
Bartosz Wierzba asked Jeanette F commented

Importing movable 3D model.

When I import inventor models, they appear to be one solid sculpture. Can I import an object containing moving parts for example a robot and keep the movability of parts? If it should be done by basic TE, where do I start?

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Arun Kr avatar image
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Arun Kr answered Jeanette F commented

Hi Bartosz Wierzba,

It all depends on your requirements.

If you are just looking at movements for your customized shape you can use Animation Creator as mentioned by Rodrigo Lamos.

On the other hand, if you are looking at exact calculated movements for your object you can use the Kinematics using Kinematic commands.


Arun KR

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Rodrigo Lamas avatar image
Rodrigo Lamas answered Ben Wilson edited

@Bartosz Wierzba

Please see these videos from YouTube FlexSim Channel that explain the Animation Creator tool! Regards.

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