
Chris Smith avatar image
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Chris Smith asked Chris Smith commented

Large label array crashes FlexSim

Is there a maximum size of an array that can be stored on a label?

A model I have created crashes when I select an object with a label that contains a large array. I will likely convert this array into a treenode structure to get around the issue, but was curious if there is a limit on the size of an array that can be stored on a label.

arrayissue.fsm : This is a model with a script that has been run that populates an array of length 1000 with all the values in the array being the string "Test". When I click the "Queue1" object the model crashes.

FlexSim 17.0.2
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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Chris Smith commented

The issue is not actually the large size of the array, it's the displaying of the array in the table. You'll notice that you can view the array just fine in the tree. We found this issue last week and have already implemented a fix for the next release.

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