
David Seo avatar image
David Seo asked Ben Wilson commented

how to register the 3ds shape file and flow-item to the flexsim media libray?

I want to know how to add the 3ds shape files to one media library to have shape index number.

I already add two 3ds shape files to the item-bin separately.

And I combined them to make another flow-item in flowitem bin.

And I want to add that combined to one media library of separated shape index number or frame.

But I can't do that. Is it impossible until now?

I should make it to be combined in another 3d software like ac3d or sketch up?

And then register it to flexsim flowitem-bin and I should make shape index number?

FlexSim 17.0.1
exportshapeflowitem binmedia filehow to register the 3ds shape file and flow-item to the flexsim media libray
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Ben Wilson commented

This question is related to exporting CAD data into a separate file. Please see here. I have asked exactly the same question some time earlier. The simple answer is: You can't do this. You have to combine the shapes in a separate CAD program and export the mockup into a data format yourself. Then you register this file under the media files.

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David Seo avatar image David Seo commented ·

Yes. I have understood it. I could not do it any way.

I solved my issue as you said. It's not easy to use my flexsim.

The end-user of flexsim has the mind like mine.

Thank you for your kind answer.

Thank you @Jörg Vogel.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel David Seo commented ·

As a User myself, I follow your view in this matter.

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