
Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
Sebastian Hemmann asked Sam Stubbs commented

Flowchart Error destroyed model?


our Client wrote a Support request and I can´t figur out whats wrong:

Attached are 2 models and one picture. In the model "flowchart error" the Patient stays in state "Waiting for room" if the client connects the "PatientArrivalsArea" with the "Registration_Area" in Flowchart although this isn´t a part of the Patient track.

The other model is the last stand that worked.

The client reported some bugs with the grafics (showing Flowcharts) as you can see in the picture some Connections seem to be wrong.

Does anybody have a solution to fix this bug in the Clients model?

He also asked for the solution to fix it in other models, if it happens there!?




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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered anon-user commented

The registration desk has its Entrance Criteria set to Allow Any Patient. This is causing the desk to try to pull the patient even though the patient doesn't want to go there. Change the desk's Entrance Criteria back to the Standard Entrance Criteria. The Allow Any Patient pickoption or even the Allow unattended patients option on the Standard Entrance Criteria should only be used in very specific cases when you want very specific behavior, otherwise you get weird effects like this one.

As for the broken flowchart, I don't see anything broken in these models. If you have replication steps of how to break the flowchart I could figure out what's going on.

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