
Laurenz Peleman avatar image
Laurenz Peleman asked Dj Moens answered

emptyfluidobject and OnEmpty trigger

Hello everyone

I noticed that, when running emptyfluidobject on a Fluid object to force it to release its content, the OnEmpty trigger of this object is not executed. I tried an alternative way by setting its content to 0 manually using setvarnum(current,"curcontent",0), but again the trigger was not called. Is there another way to empty a Fluid object by code and to ensure that its OnEmpty trigger is run as well?

Many thanks in advance

FlexSim 17.0.3
fluid objecton empty
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Dj Moens avatar image
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Dj Moens answered

Hi @Laurenz Peleman

The standard fluid objects have limitations. You might want to have a look at the FloWorks module to use for continuous flows. You can find it in the '3rd party module' in your FlexSim account or alternatively download it from:

Shoot me an e-mail for further details: [email protected].



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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
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Jeff Nordgren answered

@Laurenz Peleman

Without attaching your model or a sample model of the problem you are having, it is impossible to give you specific answers to your particular model. Your description alone does not give enough information to know what is happening.

Attached is a sample model that does show the OnEmpty trigger working for both a FluidGenerator and a FluidTank. In the Generator, OnEmpty, I display a message showing that it is empty and close the output port. In the Tank, I display an empty message and open the output port of the Generator. This all seems to work as it is supposed to.

Take a look at the model and see if it will help you diagnose the problem in your model. If it doesn't, maybe you could send us your model or a sample to show what results you are getting.


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